News & Events

Renew your Membership and Take our Member Survey!

We are in the early bird membership renewal time frame, so until June 30, you can get a $5 discount on your FY20 annual membership. If you wish to renew please visit the Membership Portal and use offer code EBIRD!

In addition to the discount before July 1st, Dallas SWE members renewing before June 30 will also be entered into a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card!

Click here or a step by step guide on how to renew.

We hope you plan on renewing your membership. If you have any questions about your renewal or issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to

Also, please take our Member Survey so we know how to better serve you next year!

It’s Time to Renew Your Membership!

Fellow SWEsters, it’s that time again!  Membership renewals are in full swing!  If you renew your membership before June 30th, you will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card!  Please see below for directions to renew via the new SWE website.

Click here for instructions and renew your commitment to SWE today!

Dallas SWE May Member of the Month: Thi Dao

Dallas SWE is pleased to recognize Thi Dao as a Member of the Month for May, 2019!  With our Member of the Month program, Dallas SWE seeks to recognize some of our non-officer members whose technical contributions, leadership accomplishments, or SWE volunteer service are particularly noteworthy.  If you would like to nominate a Dallas SWE member for his/her contributions, please email us at

Thi Dao serves as a Reservoir Engineer for Fleur de Lis Energy, overseeing CO2 enhanced oil recovery assets in the Rockies. She received her Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. She began her career at Denbury Resources, Inc. where she oversaw reservoir management and surveillance along with field planning, optimization, and economic evaluations across CO2 EOR and waterflood assets in the Gulf Coast.

She joined the Dallas SWE chapter in 2017 in search of a women’s engineering network. She recognized how strongly she identified with their mission and wanted to involve herself more. Since then, she has served as FY19 Program Committee Chair, Nominating Committee Chair, and Spring & Fall 2018 Design Your World Volunteer Coordinator. She has served on multiple committees-Outreach DYW, Programming, Nominating, and Membership-and volunteered at many outreach events. At the society level, she has served as an Upperclassmen Scholarship Reviewer.

In addition to SWE, she serves as the Sponsorship Director for the Women’s Energy Network of North Texas. Beyond her profession and her involvement in these organizations, she backpacks hiking trails and loves extreme sports. For her, these experiences have been something out of this world, and it’s been her home away from home. When she is in Dallas, she obsesses over OrangeTheory Fitness and volunteers for STEM outreach.

My favorite about SWE: “I love how involved Dallas SWE is in STEM outreach in our community. It was an incredible discovery to find a community of women in STEM with a mission to advance women in STEM and expand the image of STEM fields in the community. Even more incredible was watching these inspirational women provide an enriching STEM program to students and leaving them with a heightened confidence in their skills to succeed in STEM fields.”

Thi Dao

Dallas Sierra Club Event Recap

April’s professional development event was dedicated in celebration of Earth Month. Dan Moulton, a Dallas Sierra Club executive board member with over 30 years of experience working in various state and national wildlife agencies, shared his flagship talk on sustainability and environmental science. Surrounded by the warm spring weather and natural outdoor scenery near Addison Ice House, Dan stressed the importance of environmental policy and local accountability to keep our resource use in balance. The talk reviewed both real world issues that have since then been resolved as well those that continue to persist into modern day. As he wrapped up his presentation, our members had the opportunity to dig into local issues like Dallas’ Shingle Mountain as well as learn more about how to get involved. 

FY20 Dallas SWE Leadership Ballot

Your voice matters! Please cast your vote for our Dallas SWE FY20 Leadership Team. You must be a voting member of the Dallas SWE Professional Section and in good standing with the society to vote. The Nominating Committee will verify each voter’s member status.

Voting starts May 1 and closes on May 30.

No nominations were received during the petition period. Click here to see the candidate bios for the FY20 Dallas SWE offices of:

  • President – Zaineb Ahmed
  • Executive Vice President – Amanda Alsbrook
  • Vice President of Membership – Rana Karimi
  • Vice President of Outreach – Thi Dao
  • Treasurer – Katie Mills
  • Secretary – Lex Clark, Sammy Zellner
  • ●        Investment Committee Member – Shelley Stracener

Click here to cast your vote!

Thank you!

Dallas SWE FY19 Nominating Committee

Katia Gomez, Amanda Posadas, Kim Concillado, Malia Kawamura

FY20 Dallas SWE Leadership Slate

The Dallas SWE FY19 Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of candidates for your consideration to serve during FY20 (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020). Ballots will be distributed to members electronically on May 1st and voting will conclude 30 days thereafter.

  • President – Zaineb Ahmed
  • Executive Vice President – Amanda Alsbrook
  • Vice President of Membership – Rana Karimi
  • Vice President of Outreach – Thi Dao
  • Treasurer (2-year term) – Katie Mills
  • Secretary – Samantha Zellner, Lex Clark
  • Investment Committee Member (3-year term) – Shelley Stracener

Per the Dallas SWE bylaws additional candidates may be nominated by petition, provided that:

  1. The member is eligible for the position;
  2. The member has given written consent to being placed on the ballot;
  3. A minimum of two percent or five of the voting members of the section, whichever is greater, have signed a petition or endorsed an email to place the candidate’s name on the ballot and
  4. The petition, together with the written consent, is submitted to the chair of the nominating committee by April 30 or fifteen days after the slate is announced to the members of the section, whichever is later.

Dallas SWE paid membership as of April 14 is 245, so the petition endorsement minimum is 5 members. Please send any nominations by petition with the required endorsements and consent of the candidate to by April 30th.

Thank you!

Dallas SWE FY19 Nominating Committee

Katia Gomez, Amanda Posadas, Kim Concillado, Malia Kawamura

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