News & Events

SHPE Social Event Recap

On Thursday, October 3rd, a joint social between SHPE, NSBE, and SWE was held to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage (HHM) Month. HHM runs from September 15th to October 15th and is observed by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Carribbean, Central and South America. The social was held at Los Lupes Mexican Restaurant, a local, family-owned Latin restaurant that has brought traditional Mexican food to Dallas for over 40 years.

We had over 60 members in attendance from all three organizations. The social event began with open networking as members got to know each other through an interactive ice breaker. Then, the leadership of our three organizations, Zaineb Ahmad (SWE), Tanio Sanders (NSBE, and Fernando Ceballos (SHPE) opened the event by kicking off the dinner a warm welcome. Fernando invited everyone to take a photo of the flyer (insert link to flyer) and post to their social media. The event was a blast and members were excited to share their experiences with each other. Our three organizations are looking forward to continuing our long lasting relationship with more joint professional development events and socials! 

Volunteers Needed for 2019 P2C!

Are you interested in serving and meeting the next generation of STEM professionals?

Join the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) DFW, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) DFW Professionals and the Dallas Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Chapters on November 16th, 2019 for our Pathway to College (P2C) Seminar.  We will be hosting a day of seminars, networking panels and discussion with college bound high school students from DISD.

We are in need of volunteers to assist us on the day of the event or to join one of our professional Industry panels.  Morning, Afternoon and All Day volunteer opportunities are available.  Whether you have a passion for inspiring the future generation of scientists and engineers or you are looking for an opportunity to give back you your local community, this event will a great place to serve.

September Professional Development Meeting: TI WIN

On Thursday, September 26, TI Women’s Initiative Network (WIN) hosted Dallas SWE and TI WIN employees a discussion panel with TI managers focusing on managing burnout and the effects of how language shapes women’s careers. Over dinner, provided by TI,  panel speakers Adrienne Jaffe, Laura Mueller, Jennifer Barry, and Rekha Kumar, each spoke to her individual experiences in both the working world and lives outside of the office. It was an interactive and dynamic evening with many attendees asking questions ranging from how to balance a demanding schedule to conflict resolution. 

In a first for Dallas SWE, TI also generously hosted the meeting as a Webex so those unable to attend the event in person could still participate. Questions were taken from the chat, and the panel discussion was recorded for employees to be able to view at a later date. 

Along with all the speakers, Dallas SWE would also like to thank the coordinators inside TI for organizing this fantastic event: Rebecca Tom, Andi Sotirin, Rajani Manchukonda, and Tori Burkholder.

October Member of the Month: Haley Barnes

Haley Barnes is a proud new member of the Dallas Society of Women Engineers professional section and serves as the Fundraising Chair. Barnes is a Mean Green alumna from the University of North Texas, earning her B.S. degree in Material Science and Engineering in 2018. During her time at the University of North Texas, Barnes was a Chemical Engineering & Metallic Materials Processing Co-op for Bell Helicopter Textron two years. She is now earning her M.S of Medical Sciences at the University of North Texas Health Science Center with the intention of applying to a PharmD/Ph.D. program upon graduation. Barnes intends to work on drug delivery research and design after her education.

Barnes joined SWE in 2013 where she was an active member of the University of North Texas collegiate section. During her time with UNTSWE, Barnes served as the section’s Webmaster and Vice president and a Society Region C Future Leader. Her efforts earned Barnes a Region C Governor’s Choice Award. One of her favorite UNTSWE moments was the FY16 Region C conference where Barnes was a selected workshop speaker and an awardee for Most Impactful Recruiting Event.

In addition to her commitments to the Dallas SWE, Barnes serves on the leadership team for the Graduate SWE community as Learning Content Coordinator. She is grateful for both the GradSWE and DSWE communities for giving her a home during her medical-heavy studies.

Barnes is the happy partner of a programmer and SWE supporter, Scott McKeefer. She enjoys assisting non-profits in their social media and marketing efforts. Her favorite activity is traveling and is doing her best to make plans to attend the FY20 WE Europe conference in London, UK.

“When I made the decision to emphasize clinical training over my technical engineering training, I really faltered on if I could still call myself an engineer. I questioned if I was of worth to the Society I had called home for the last 5 years. Dallas SWE provided me a welcoming section that supported my “break” from engineering. Meeting other biomedical engineers in the section gave me peace that there will be a place for me in the engineering industry when I’m done with my clinical training. Without Dallas SWE’s support and continuous efforts to let me know my unique path is validated, I don’t know if I would be compelled to be as active in the Society as I am now. I am grateful every day that this section truly upholds SWE’s mission to empower their membership as engineers and leaders.”

Haley Barnes

Join us for our next professional development event – hosted by Verizon WAVE!

Public key encryption is an essential part of everything we do on the Internet, but current security measures may be broken by the computational power of future quantum computers. Today, there is active research and commercial developments in the field of quantum cryptography focused on introducing new technologies that will offer more resistance to those security threats. In this talk, we will introduce those key technologies that make use of quantum physics to provide secure data transmission. In addition, we will discuss industry events in adopting quantum cryptography, as well as the milestones set by standard bodies for development of post-quantum cryptography algorithms. While the impacts of quantum computing may be years away, we will also discuss why it is important to start preparing now and the steps a business should take in planning for a world of quantum cryptography.

This meeting is open to SWE members and Verizon employees only. SWE Collegiates, SWENext, and Non-members may join remotely through call-in number. 

This meeting will be on Tuesday, October 15 from 6-8 PM at 600 Hidden Ridge, Irving, TX 75038.

Register here today!

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