News & Events

March Member of the Month: Shay Goldberg

Congratulations to Shay Goldberg, Dallas SWE’s March 2020 member of the month!

Shay Goldberg grew up in Houston, TX. She moved to Richardson, TX in 2002 to attend The University of Texas at Dallas. Shay received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 2006 and went to work in investment banking. After working as an investment banker for two years she moved to a financial planning firm where she worked for nine years. After working in finance for several years she decided to switch career paths and pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. She worked full time while attending classes at The University of Texas at Dallas. In 2019 she graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Shortly after graduation Shay landed her dream job in the aerospace industry as a mechanical engineering designer at L3Harris in Greenville, TX.

While Shay was a member of SWE during college, her job and course load didn’t allow her to participate in the UTD SWE section. After graduation she jumped headfirst into the Dallas SWE section, joining the Membership and Outreach Committees. Shay served as the Evaluations Co-Coordinator for Design Your World 2019, helped organize the 2019 Holiday Party, and is helping to organize the March hike/brunch event. She also volunteers outside of SWE by mentoring aspiring engineers and participating in Engineering Week activities for children.

Shay is also a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Order of the Engineer. In her free time she enjoys touring craft breweries, traveling, exercising, playing board/card games, and spending time with her five nieces.

“I was surprised when I went back to school what a small percentage of my classmates were female. I found strength and support from my female classmates. SWE is a continuation of that support system for me into my career. In the short time I have been an active member of the Dallas SWE chapter I have made many lasting relationships and have been inspired by the women I have met. I promised myself after I graduated that I would make it my mission to help the next generation of female engineers and I believe SWE is the perfect platform for that with events like Design Your World and the developing mentor program. I look forward to continuing my involvement with SWE as I grow in my new career.”

Shay Goldberg

CANCELLED: Girl Scouts STEM Around the Bases

Following the guidance of the CDC, Dallas SWE has decided to cancel our volunteer opportunity at the Girl Scouts STEM Around the Bases. The health of our members, associates, and community is our priority at this time.

In the meantime, please refer to SWE’s statement on COVID-19 for more details on individual preventative actions.

Join us in volunteering at the Girl Scouts STEM Around the Bases on Saturday, April 18 from 3:00 – 6:45 pm at Dr Pepper Ballpark. Girls will participate in STEM activities then cheer on the Frisco Roughriders as they play the Tulsa Drillers. Volunteers will help with the Dallas SWE hands-on activity. If you are interested in volunteering, please register here!

CANCELLED: Girl Scouts Emerging Leadership Conference

Following the guidance of the CDC, Dallas SWE has decided to cancel our volunteer opportunity at the Girl Scouts Emerging Leadership Conference. The health of our members, associates, and community is our priority at this time.

In the meantime, please refer to SWE’s statement on COVID-19 for more details on individual preventative actions.

We would like to invite Dallas SWE to join Girl Scouts on Saturday, April 4 from 2:45 pm – 4 pm and inspire girls by sharing their career journeys. We will participate in their speed networking session. The Emerging Leadership Conference will be at Ericsson Headquarters (6300 Legacy Dr.) in Plano. Join us to help inspire girls! If you are interested in volunteering, please register here.  

Celebrate E-Week at Dallas SWE’s Happ-E Hour!

February 17th – 21st is National Engineers Week! Come join for a Happ-E Hour in honor of being an engineer! National Engineers Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.

We will be enjoying food and drinks while socializing and relishing in this national recognition of being an engineer! Refreshment available for purchase by the individual. We hope to see you there!

Register for this event here today!

Dallas SWE Scholarship applications are now open!

The Dallas Section of the Society of Women Engineers offers scholarships to graduating seniors from Region 10 high schools who will be majoring in Engineering and to SWE collegiate section members who have demonstrated leadership skills.  Scholarships for high school seniors are awarded based on academic excellence and need and must be received by April 15.  The Annie Colaco Collegiate Scholarship is named in honor of Annie Colaco (1899 – 1991) who epitomized selfless service and lifelong learning and must be received by April 30. Recipients will be notified by May 15.  

For more information and to apply, please visit the the scholarship page on the Dallas SWE website.

Dallas SWE’s January Book Club Recap

In our latest book club meeting, we discuss The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg. This book expanded on the idea of habits and the basic trifecta surrounding businesses, individuals and society. It further explains that habits are malleable and that we are truly able to change for the better. We also discussed some of our own habits that we are excited to change and also some of the interesting case studies from the book. As we continue to explore our own worlds, we were amazed by the impacts of the various cases, whether it be Civil Rights Movement, Target or enabling an individual to quite smoking. Everyone really enjoyed the brunch whilst also chatting and getting to know each other over the book. 

If you would like to participate in the next book club meeting, please email or join us on Goodreads and be sure to sign up on the Eventbrite!We look forward to seeing you there soon! 

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