Are you attending Virtual WE20, Nov 2-13? This year’s conference will be a little different with virtual format, but we’d like to keep up the Dallas SWE tradition of coordinating and communicating among attendees. Connect with us here and we’ll do our best to help arrange it!
On August 13th, Dallas SWE kicked off FY21 with a welcoming meeting for our members to learn more about each other and our exciting plans for FY21! We started out with an engaging icebreaker where everyone got to introduce themselves and what new things they have recently kicked off during this time. All of our officers were present and the Executive Council was introduced to our members. Then our President, Amanda, went over the plans we have for FY21, and each officer got to present what they are most looking forward to for the upcoming year. We also played a game of “get to know you” by using Burble, an online tool designed to spark conversation in a hot-potato style of questions and answers. It truly was a fun event and by the end, our members came away knowing each other even better and more informed about the programming Dallas SWE will bring in FY21.
Congratulations to Dallas SWE’s September Member of the Month: Marion Sanchez!
Marion was born in Venezuela, where she got her Bachelors in Electrical Engineering. She worked for over 8 years at an electric utility company as an electrical distribution designer. A few years ago, when the situation in Venezuela worsened, Marion and her family decided to leave everything behind and move to the the US for better opportunities. Since then, she has been hard at work taking care of her four kids, who have filled her life with joy and happiness. However, she has always been close to her career because STEM is her passion.
Marion has been active in the Dallas SWE Membership Committee and manages several of our social media platforms.
“Being a part of the Dallas SWE Committee has been a great experience that has allowed me to not only connect with amazing role models and engineering professionals, but also wonderful and supportive human beings. Dallas SWE is always willing to help others, and is always welcoming to everybody regardless of race, ethnicity, age, or professional position”.
This year, on Thursday, September 17, Dallas SWE is participating in Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day – a one-day online giving extravaganza for our region! We invite you to join the movement and help us reach out our goal of $2,500 on September 17 to continue to support training and development programs and networking opportunities engineering professional women, scholarships to female high school students, and outreach and advocacy activities for elementary and middle school students.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Get up and give on September 17
Your gift matters! Send your gift during Early Giving (September 1-16) or donate on September 17 between 6am and midnight here.
2. Spread the word!
Spread the word to your friends and loved ones about Dallas SWE and North Texas Giving Day! Don’t forget to tag @DallasSWE and #NTxGivingDay2020 if you’re posting online. Share Dallas SWE’s posts on social media to encourage your friends and family to get up and give as well!
3. Follow up!
Follow up social media to stay up to date on North Texas Giving Day!
Join us for Septembers professional development meeting with UTD SWE. “Feminism 101” Presented by UTD’s Galerstein Gender Center. Thursday September 17, 2020 @ 6:30 PM.
Patriarchy? Intersectionality? Internalized misogyny? Learn about the mission, goals, and history of feminism in this workshop, along with notable leaders in the movement, current trends, and how to best utilize feminism today.
On Tuesday, August 25 Dallas SWE held part 2 of our Financial Wellness Series. Paloma Alvarado, partner at New York Life, presented trends and strategies to consider when planning for retirement. She stated that the typical number of “working years” to accumulate wealth has decreased in relation to expected life span, thus the need to generate more wealth in a shorter amount of time. She emphasized the importance of taxed vs pre-taxed retirement accounts and how it may affect retirement income. She stated that ‘time in the market is more important than timing the market” and encouraged attendees to start investing for retirement sooner rather than later. Mrs. Alvarado’s presentation focused on general recommendations ; there isn’t a one-fits all retirement strategy. Everyone’s retirement strategy differs depending on personal goals and career path. Remember to reach out to your HR representative and take advantage of any benefits your company may offer and to make sure that your retirement strategy is up to date with your goals.