Design Your World, Dallas SWE’s premier outreach event for girls in grades K-12, now has a new website!
Check it out at

Design Your World, Dallas SWE’s premier outreach event for girls in grades K-12, now has a new website!
Check it out at
Join us and support InterCEA + InterMcKinney by volunteering as a mentor for students in the 2020-2021 school year. Students from Woodrow Wilson HS and Hillcrest HS in Dallas ISD and McKinney HS will join forces in their Civil Engineering and Architecture Courses.
Mentors will support project teams as they create residential design proposals (Fall 2020) and commercial design proposals (Spring 2021) and showcase in a project poster and virtual presentation to a panel of judges. Engineering and architectural mentors are wanted! For more information, watch the InterCEA + InterMcKinney trailer and read more here.
If you are interested in helping in any way, please complete this Google Form Survey that includes more details about time commitments, and feel free to drop any questions in the form.
Join Dallas SWE and Raytheon Women’s Network (RWN) Monday, October 19, 2020 @ noon for a Lunch panel discussion by Raytheon Technologies women about how to communicate effectively in the workplace. Each panelist will share personal and candid lessons learned about practical communication strategies. If you’ve ever wondered how to hone in on the correct amount of confidence to be heard in a meeting or handle being called too “shy” or “aggressive”, tune in to hear real examples of how these women have successfully advanced their careers with clear, compelling, and confident communication.
Raytheon Technologies Panelists:
Additional questions from the audience can be submitted through this link and during the live event.
Register for this event below or visit the Eventbrite to sign up!
Registration ends October 15, 2020 @ 12:01 AM.
Win a $25 Amazon gift card!
Dallas SWE needs your help to connect us with the HR departments and /or women’s networking groups at your company! These contacts are key for Dallas SWE to coordinate events and gain sponsorship for our section.
To enter, send an email to with your name and the contact information of your HR and/or women’s network connection by October 30. Thanks!
Come help us at our first virtual Design Your World Mini-Series on Sunday, October 25 at 10 am-11:30 am. Volunteers will be needed to demonstrate the activities and help students in the breakout rooms. The Eventbrite registration will open on 10/1. More details to come!
On Thursday September 17, 2020, Dallas and UTD SWE held a virtual Diversity and Inclusion Professional Development Meeting presented by Jacqeline Prince of the UTD Galerstein Gender Center. During the mini workshop titled “Feminism 101”, Ms. Prince gave a condensed explanation of key terms in feminism. She explained different time periods have given different connotations to the word “Feminism”. Throughout the presentation Ms. Prince included segments that brought to light how even in a movement that aims for equality, has social and economic discrimination. It is intersectionality within a broader movement that seeks to address equity, providing proportional representation in equality. Attendees were able to express their thoughts in a safe space and ask clarification to controversial topics to become a better ally. Ms. Prince provided recommendations of authors from the different feminism waves and gave the following 3 suggestions to be effective Feminist: 1) Self Reflect 2) Decenter your perspective 3) Be willing to make mistakes. Thank you to UTD SWE and the UTD Galerstein Gender Center for partnering with Dallas SWE.
Additional resources can be found at