News & Events

FY24 Dallas SWE Leadership Slate

The Dallas SWE FY23 Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of candidates for your consideration to serve during FY24 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). Ballots will be distributed to members electronically on May 3rd and voting will conclude May 26th.

  • President – Rana Karimi
  • President Elect – Open
  • Vice President of Professional Development – Nicole Anklam
  • Vice President of Membership – Meena Nagappan
  • Vice President of Outreach – Cyonna Holmes, Robyn Broniewski
  • Treasurer – Katie Mills
  • Secretary – Samantha Zellner
  • Investment Committee Member (3-year term) – Terriekka Cardenas

Per the Dallas SWE Section Agreement with the Society additional candidates may be nominated by petition, provided that:

  1. The member is eligible for the position;
  2. The member has given written consent to being placed on the ballet;
  3. A minimum of two percent or five of the voting members of the section, whichever is greater, have signed a petition or endorsed an email to place the candidate’s name on the ballot and
  4. The petition, together with the written consent, is submitted to the chair of the nominating committee by April 30 or fifteen days after the slate is announced to the members of the section, whichever is later.

Dallas SWE paid membership as of April 14 is 311, so the petition endorsement minimum is 6 members. Please send any nominations by petition with the required endorsements and consent of the candidate to the FY23 Nominating Committee Chair, Amanda Alsbrook, at by May 2nd.

Thank you!
Dallas SWE FY21 Nominating Committee
Amanda Alsbrook, Katia Gomez, Malia Kawamura, Thi Dao, and Zaineb Ahmad

Dallas SWE Scholarship Notice – HS and Collegiate applications due this month!

The Dallas Section of the Society of Women Engineers offers scholarships to graduating seniors from Region 10 high schools who will be majoring in Engineering and to SWE collegiate section members who have demonstrated leadership skills. Scholarships for high school seniors are awarded based on academic excellence and need and must be received by April 15.

The Annie Colaco Collegiate Scholarship is named in honor of Annie Colaco (1899 – 1991) who epitomized selfless service and lifelong learning and applications must be received by April 30. Recipients will be notified by May 15.

For more information and to apply, please visit the Dallas SWE website.

April Member of the Month: Domanique Johnson

Congratulations to Dallas SWE’s April Member of the Month, Domanique Johnson!

Domanique Johnson first started getting involved with Dallas SWE in 2018 when her employer at the time sponsored a section for Design Your Own World. Due to her love of STEM and helping the community, she later joined the committee outreach program and helps organize and volunteer at events. She first learned about SWE in college where she later served as Vice-President, and later as President helping improve engagement.

In her free time, she loves to explore the outdoors, volunteer, attend church, workout, dance, cosplay, read books, play board games, and make content for her YouTube channel. Her favorite parts of SWE are the opportunities to grow personally and professionally while also meeting new people and making friends. She is looking forward to the new adventures she will have with SWE.

Dallas SWE Scholarship Notice – Deadline coming due soon! 

The Dallas Section of the Society of Women Engineers offers scholarships to graduating seniors from Region 10 high schools who will be majoring in Engineering and to SWE collegiate section members who have demonstrated leadership skills. Scholarships for high school seniors are awarded based on academic excellence and need and must be received by April 15.

The Annie Colaco Collegiate Scholarship is named in honor of Annie Colaco (1899 – 1991) who epitomized selfless service and lifelong learning and applications must be received by April 30. Recipients will be notified by May 15.

For more information and to apply, please visit the Dallas SWE website.

Design Your World 2023

Join Dallas SWE and Girl Scouts for Design Your World 2023! Middle school students will experience a fun day of hands on engineering activities as they learn about STEM! Students will rotate through three hands-on design activities and explore different engineering fields during lunch. This is our largest outreach event of the year and you do not want to miss it! The event will take place on May 6, 2023 from 10am – 3pm at Collin College Frisco Campus. More detailed location information will be provided closer to the date. Volunteer sign-ups will be open until April 24th and a virtual volunteer informational session will be held to provide details and answer your questions. Please see below for volunteer descriptions and needs:

Activity Lead: Guide students through a hands-on activity by giving a short introductory 5 – 10 minute presentation about the activity and then floating around the room to help students complete the activity. Time commitment is all day (9:30am – 3pm)

Morning Activity Volunteer: Float around the room and help students complete their hands on activities. Time commitment is from 9:30am – 12pm.

Afternoon Activity Volunteer: Float around the room and help students complete their hands on activities. Time commitment is from 12:30 – 3pm.

All Day Activity Volunteer: Float around the room and help students complete their hands on activities. Lunch will be provided. Time commitment from 9:30am – 3pm.

STEM Lunch Exploration Volunteer: We are looking for electrical, computer science, chemical, biomedical, structural, civil, environmental, and mechanical engineers who would like to share a day in the life of their job. Volunteers will rotate from table-to-table during lunch to teach the students about their engineering field. We need 2 – 3 volunteers per engineering discipline. Lunch will be provided. Time commitment is from 11:30am – 1pm.

Register below or on Eventbrite.

Posted in DYW

The Art of Negotiations: Negotiation Best Practices (Virtual)

Join Dallas & UNT SWE at our April Joint Meeting Event on April 4, 2023 at 6:30 PM. This event will be virtual (Zoom link to be sent to attendees at a later date). RSVP by April 2, 2023. This event is open to members and non-members.

When it comes to negotiating, women do it less than men. But the cost of not negotiating could add up to years of additional work to catch up to the earnings of men who negotiate. You worked hard to earn your degree and become an engineer; don’t let off the gas when the time comes to evaluate an offer and advocate for your worth. In this session, Rana will present on why it’s critical that we as women negotiate to help close the pay gap, understand common pitfalls to a successful negotiation, and learn how to develop and execute a negotiation strategy. Join for an evening of story telling and learning about best practices to apply to your next negotiation.

Note: For all attendees, a call-in link will be provided via email once it gets closer to the meeting date. As an option, this session will be offered live at UNT Discovery Park in Denton, TX at a regular SWE meeting. If you would like to attend the meeting live in person, please contact Rana at for address and location details.

Register for this event below or on Eventbrite.

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