News & Events

Perot Museum E-Week Event: Volunteers Needed!

Last week we made a post about needing volunteers for an E-Week event at Perot Systems.  Here are some more details on that event!  If you’re interested in helping, please email us at

Perot Museum:  Excitement and ingenuity are in the air during Engineers Week — an annual nationwide event that focuses on groundbreaking historical discoveries in the engineering field, as well as the latest innovations in engineering and technology. Activities, demonstrations and projects for teachers, students and families will be set up throughout our exhibit halls. There is no additional cost for these programs.

Dallas SWE will provide a hands on activity:  Dallas SWE will let kids explore the basics of electricity with our electronic circuit kits.

Date:  Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Time: 9:30am – 2:00pm
Location:  Perot Museum    (click for Google map)

Register for the Region C Conference!

If you haven’t already registered for the Region C Conference hosted by the SMU Student Section right here in Dallas Feb 1-3, it’s not too late!  What are you waiting for??

Get more information and register TODAY at the Region C Conference website.

Call for Region C 2013-2014 Officer Applications

Dallas SWE’s parent region, Region C, has extended the deadline for submitting applications for Region C Lieutenant GovernorRegion Secretary, and Region Treasurer.  All terms are for one year beginning July 1, 2013.  The attached application must be completed and submitted to Claire Shortall by Thursday, February 21, 2013.  Please consider applying or encourage anyone you would like to be considered to apply.  

Eligibility requirements and brief position summaries are presented below.   Download the application here.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Candidates for lieutenant governor must have served at least two years in the aggregate as a professional member of the senate, professional section or members at large president, professional section or members at large representative, or region officer, except that one year as either a collegiate senator or collegiate representative may be counted toward this requirement.  Candidates for lieutenant governor must also be members of the region with the membership grade of fellow, senior, or professional.  
  • The secretary and treasurer must be voting members of the region (grades of fellow, senior, professional, or associate) or collegiate members who meet the qualifications stated in the Society bylaws for professional membership.  Collegiate members may apply only if they will receive a bachelors or advanced degree in engineering, engineering technology, or a science related to engineering by June 30, 2013, and will be a member of Region C after graduation.

Lieutenant governor responsibilities include:

  • Leading the region collegiate team (RCRs, RCCE, RCS, SWE-FLs, CLCC)
  • Serving as the point of contact for the region conference committee
  • Attending region meetings, including teleconferences
  • Assuming the duties of governor if necessary

Secretary responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the records of the region including minutes and action items
  • Having an up-to-date roll of the representatives at all meetings of the region council
  • Attending region meetings, including teleconferences

Treasurer responsibilities include:

  • Be responsible for the collection, distribution, and safekeeping of region funds
  • Prepare, maintain, and report as directed on the financial position of the region in relation to the approved budget
  • Submit a financial report to the Society and necessary documents to the IRS (e-postcard or form 990 as appropriate)

Call for Volunteers!

Want to get involved in Dallas SWE but you’re not sure how?  Sign up to volunteer at one of the events below and come get to know us and our members!  If you’re interested in volunteering at either of these events, please email us at!

Design Your World STEM Conference – Feb 2, 2013
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Design Your World – STEM Career Conference! Volunteering can be broken up into three categories:

1. Leading a committee planning the event (see description below)
2. Serving on a committee planning the event (see description below)
3. Day-of volunteer

Arrangements – Will coordinate with the Region Conference team as well as potential speakers and the Lyle School of Engineering at SMU. Will also prepare a scavenger hunt for the afternoon to encourage the attendees to network with the Region Conference attendees.
Registration/Advertisement – Will be responsible for marketing the event to local high schools and ensuring we have enough participants as well as coordinating the registration process and payment.
Fundraising/Budget – Will be responsible for contacting several corporate partners as well as applying for a program development grant from SWE National 


Perot Museum E-Week Event – Feb 19, 2013, 10am-2pm
We need warm bodies, even if it is only for an hour or two!  Come speak to museum visitors about what it’s like to be an engineer and why they should be interested in math and science.


Speaker Event – January 15

Location: El Fenix Restaurant,  9090 Skillman St, Dallas, TX

Judy Hoberman, author of Selling in a Skirt is the featured speaker for the January Event for Dallas SWE.

Join us at 6pm to experience Judy’s winning attitude and leadership guidance for learning about communication differences of genders, asking the “right” questions and how important it is to build business relationships. During this session, you will learn how asking the right questions can change the entire conversation.

For more information and to RSVP, click here!

Meeting Agenda


Updates to Special Events Page

Happy New Year!
We’ve added some details about our next Special Event, the Design Your World STEM Conference.  Head on over to the Special Events page for more info!

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