News & Events

She Networks, She Wins!

Dallas SWE is out and about this week promoting National Engineers Week!  Join us at She Networks, She Wins at the SMU campus Thursday.  Free Parking is available & Light Fare Served!  Meet & mingle with professionals and students and also hear from the featured speaker.

Thursday, February 21
Palmer Conference Center, Caruth Hall
Southern Methodist University
Featured Speaker: Kim Ernzen, Raytheon Senior Director & General Manager Advanced Products Center

E-Week at the Perot Museum

Several Dallas SWE members volunteered at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science Tuesday, February 19.  They spoke with students and parents about what engineers do and taught visitors about electronic circuits using hands-on kits at their display table.   If you missed us Tuesday, don’t worry!  The Perot Museum has other E-Week programs going on through February 22nd.



SMU’s Visioneering 2013 Program

Dallas SWE Kicked off E-Week at SMU’s Visioneering on February 16, 2013! We set up a table to give away goodies to middle school students (grades 6-8) who could complete a simple electrical circuit to make a buzzer ring. There were almost 800 students in attendance.

Thanks to Neha Dobhal for the report!

photo (31)  photo (32)

Region C Conference Wrap-up: Part 2

Here’s another perspective on the Region C Conference, brought to you by Dallas SWE Section President Jennifer Vilbig!

SWE_Dallas Conf
Pictured Left to right are Mayra Magana, Region C Region Collegiate Representative (RCR), Carol Bachman, Region C Governor, Jennifer Vilbig, Dallas SWE President, Nicole Navinsky, SMU Region C Conference Chair & Jessica Maxey, SMU Region C Arrangements Conference Chair. We spent a lovely evening enjoying the views from the Winspear Opera House that included a tour of the theater!

“For those of you who did not make it to the conference, SMU welcomed almost 400 students and professionals for two days of tours, sessions, speakers and a career fair that featured over 30 companies! Nicole Navinsky from SMU was recognized as the Emerging Leader Collegiate for Region C and Hope-Toole Schwalls from the Fort Worth section was recognized for her Distinguished Service to the Society! Thank you to the SMU conferenceteam as well as the individuals in Dallas SWE who served as part of the programs committee, Neha Dobhal, Barbara Read, Nandika D’Souza & Jennifer Blount.

In addition, Dallas SWE welcomed 35 high school students for a morning of hands-on workshops! Megen Velten, a graduate student at UT Arlington discussed chemicals and polymer chains as well as team building and safety. The girls then created a keychain charm using an epoxy and binder. Plus, Britney Caldwell, and electrical engineer for Brant Engineering discussed electrical circuits, resistors, capacitors, switches and demonstrated their applications using a circuits kit.  Next, Letia Blanco, a mechanical engineer for Raytheon engaged the girls in an interactive networking coaching session! Letia successfully encouraged the girls to “be brave, be brave, be brave” while illustrating key networking skills such as handshakes, eye contact, and an elevator speech! We then sent the girls off to attend the sessions during the region conference as well as to learn about career opportunities by visiting the 30+ company booths at the career fair!”


Region C Conference Wrap-up

Thanks to everyone who attended or volunteered at the SWE Region C Conference last weekend!  The SMU student section (and their professional member advisers) did a superb job coordinating event locations, meals, session schedules, transportation, and guest speakers.  Attendees enjoyed opportunities to learn, network, and collect some great resources for their engineering careers.  The Design Your World Career Conference for Girls was also well-attended.  If you took pictures, had a favorite session or speaker, or have a special a personal story from the conference, the Dallas SWE Facebook page is the perfect place to share your experiences.

If you weren’t able to join us, you missed out on a chance to recharge your batteries and get inspired to be more involved in the Society of Women Engineers!  Please consider attending the 2013 SWE National Conference in Baltimore, MD October 26-28.  Also, stay tuned for details on the 2014 Region C Conference which will be hosted by the University of Houston and Rice University in Houston, TX.

Perot Museum E-Week Event: Volunteers Needed!

Last week we made a post about needing volunteers for an E-Week event at Perot Systems.  Here are some more details on that event!  If you’re interested in helping, please email us at

Perot Museum:  Excitement and ingenuity are in the air during Engineers Week — an annual nationwide event that focuses on groundbreaking historical discoveries in the engineering field, as well as the latest innovations in engineering and technology. Activities, demonstrations and projects for teachers, students and families will be set up throughout our exhibit halls. There is no additional cost for these programs.

Dallas SWE will provide a hands on activity:  Dallas SWE will let kids explore the basics of electricity with our electronic circuit kits.

Date:  Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Time: 9:30am – 2:00pm
Location:  Perot Museum    (click for Google map)

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