It’s that time of year! Dallas SWE and the DFW Alliance for Technology and Women (ATW) are teaming up for a night of networking, holiday cheer, and giving to a good… [Continue Reading]
Author: Dallas SWE
Early on Saturday, October 19, 2013 110 girls (4th and 5th graders) and 45 adults with over 75 volunteers converged on the SMU campus for a day of fun. LIttle… [Continue Reading]
On November 3, 2013, Dallas SWE represented women in engineering at the Coppell Engineering Expo at Coppell High School. Each year, Dallas SWE members take this opportunity to speak to… [Continue Reading]
Last week, Dallas SWE members Laura Geiger, Shelley Stracener, Nicole Navinsky, and Wanda Holmes attended the Annual Society of Women Engineers Conference (WE13) in Baltimore, MD. Attendance was at an… [Continue Reading]
On Tuesday, October 15, Texas Instruments and Dallas SWE got together for an exciting and informative tour of TI’s DLP Center in Plano, TX. Thirty attendees, including several TI employees,… [Continue Reading]
Recently, several college scholarships were awarded to students from both SWE National and Dallas SWE. Congratulations to all of our SWE Scholarship Recipients! We wish you all the best! Adriana… [Continue Reading]