Dallas SWE is currently seeking nominations for officers to serve for FY17 (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017). There are nine positions available and self nominations are highly encouraged! The… [Continue Reading]
Author: Dallas SWE
If you follow the Society of Women Engineers on social media, the All Together blog, or in SWE Magazine, you may have read about some activities going on at headquarters… [Continue Reading]
Intel is hosting an event in their 2016 Professional Development & Career Series in their Plano offices on Saturday, April 23, and we are invited to participate along with local… [Continue Reading]
The IBM Global Solution Center located in Coppell, TX graciously hosted the Dallas SWE March 2016 professional meeting. The evening of March 15th started out with networking and light appetizers…. [Continue Reading]
On Saturday, February 20th, several Dallas SWE members joined the Caruth Institute for Engineering Education at Southern Methodist University for their annual Visioneering Outreach Event. Over 900 6th, 7th, and… [Continue Reading]
UNT SWE is hosting an Appreciate-A-Woman-Engineer Reception after our Design Your World STEM Conference. We are inviting all collegiate students and professionals to join this event and dinner! Who: All… [Continue Reading]