Will you help decide the future leadership of the Dallas SWE section? We need your vote! In order for your vote to be counted you must be a paid member… [Continue Reading]
Author: Dallas SWE
Have you ever wondered about the best way to confront workplace sexism? Guest speaker Kate Van Dellen provided insight to Dallas SWE members in the April Professional Development meeting. On… [Continue Reading]
The application deadline for our new Annie Colaco Collegiate Leader Scholarship has been extended to April 30th! Visit our Scholarships page to learn more and for instructions on how to… [Continue Reading]
The Dallas SWE FY16 Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of candidates for your consideration to serve during FY17 (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017.) Ballots… [Continue Reading]
Join us the last weekend in April as we enjoy some social time, delicious brunch, and celebrating our graduating seniors from local universities including Collin College, SMU, UTD, and UNT!… [Continue Reading]
Please join us for our April Professional Development Meeting with guest speaker Kate Van Dellen who will speak about “Confronting Workplace Sexism.” Dealing with workplace sexism is difficult. It’s hard… [Continue Reading]