February Member of the Month: Ogechi Ugwulebo

Congrats to Ogechi Ugwulebo, Dallas SWE’s February Member of the Month!

Nigerian-born Ogechi Ugwulebo serves as the Founder and CEO of two impactful organizations: the Association of Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals (ANWEP) and Women in STEM Leadership (WISL). A Certified Information Security Manager with incomparable hands-on-experience in software development, information security governance, enterprise risk management, and data privacy, Ogechi, who specifically comes from a background of over 20 years experience within the Healthcare Information Technology industry, is successfully blending her formidable intellect with her technological expertise to break the glass ceiling in a hitherto male-dominated discipline.

Ogechi’s journey in the field of engineering and technology began during her studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, where she joined the collegiate chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). As a dedicated student pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Ogechi became an active member of SWE, a decision that would shape her future in the male-dominated STEM field. Joining the collegiate chapter of SWE provided Ogechi with a valuable platform for networking, mentorship, and professional development. It allowed her to connect with like-minded individuals who shared her passion for breaking gender barriers in engineering and technology.

In her role as the Founder and CEO of ANWEP, a non-profit organization registered in the State of Texas, Ogechi focuses on women empowerment in STEM education and careers. ANWEP implements mentorship programs, impactful outreach initiatives, coding workshops, and boot camps to increase the representation of women in STEM fields. Building on the success of ANWEP, Ogechi established Women in STEM Leadership (WISL) to serve as a dedicated mentorship platform. WISL is committed to educating, equipping, and empowering women, providing them with the essential skills to not only excel in STEM careers but also ascend to leadership positions. By furnishing aspiring women leaders with the necessary tools and resources, WISL seeks to propel their careers and enhance their impact within the dynamic landscape of the STEM ecosystem.

Ogechi’s outstanding work at WISL addresses industry workforce shortages and diversity challenges in STEM. The organization provides awareness, education, and advocacy for women in STEM, along with professional development opportunities. WISL also connects professional women in STEM through networking and mentorship initiatives, fostering a supportive community for career advancement.

Ogechi holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Calabar in Nigeria, a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno, and a Master of Science in Cybersecurity from the University of Dallas, Texas. As a wife and mother, Ogechi is not only a distinguished professional but also a role model for women aspiring to excel in STEM fields.

Ogechi’s full bio and work experience is available on her LinkedIn page at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ogechi-ugwulebo/
