Dallas SWE’s Programs Committee kicked off the 2022 calendar year with a professional development event focused on giving feedback. All SWE chapters in Texas were extended an invitation, and women from the Fort Worth chapter, Austin chapter, and Houston chapter were in attendance virtually. The members first watched a short Ted Talk by LeeAnn Renninger titled The Secret to Giving Great Feedback. Renniger is the CEO and founder of LifeLabs New York, and she broke down a four step process to giving feedback in her video. After everyone watched the video, the group was separated into breakout rooms to practice giving feedback. Scenarios of various work relationships were provided to the women, and the group spent time discussing how they would give feedback in each situation based on the Renniger’s Ted Talk. Dallas SWE thanks all women in attendance from the various chapters, and they look forward to hosting their first, in-person event in over two years at the end of April 2022!