SWE parents and fellow learning enthusiasts are invited to virtually join Dr. Beth Lusby on Thursday January 28, 2021 at noon as she answers pre-submitted questions and discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected learning. She will answer questions like:
- How can parents help to keep students engaged in learning within this challenging new school environment?
- With loss of social events and other things we typically look forward to and may use as incentive for work production, how can parents encourage work ethic and keep it fun for kids?
- What challenges do you see happening at school and home right now around learning and how do you suspect these difficulties have potential for long-term effects for our children’s learning?
- Regarding learning in children, what could parents do to enhance their child’s learning experience right now and into the coming months of continued pandemic and other difficult cultural situations?
- What should parents be on alert for, asking for from the school, requiring from their child’s routine, etc?
- What learning gaps do you suspect we will see with the pandemic and are there things parents could be doing to anticipate and fill learning gaps?
Register below or on Eventbrite to secure your spot!
Registration Ends Tuesday January 26, 2021 at 10pm.