

The Gold Mission Award is the highest distinction in the new SWE Recognition Program, honoring Dallas SWE’s commitment to SWE’s Core Values and Strategic Goals across 10 categories.


The Mission Awards recognize SWE groups that embody SWE core values and demonstrate continuous improvement and growth as they work to achieve the Society’s strategic goals.


SWE Mission Award Gold – Professional

The Gold award is the highest overall award level for the new SWE Mission Award structure and recognizes our section’s commitment to SWE‘s Core Values and Strategic Goals based on results from our activities across 10 categories. This is the 5th year in a row that Dallas SWE has won this award!

SWE Mission Best Practices – Awards and Recognition


SWE Mission Award Gold – Professional

The Gold award is the highest overall award level for the new SWE Mission Award structure and recognizes our section’s commitment to SWE‘s Core Values and Strategic Goals based on results from our activities across 10 categories. This is the 4th year in a row that Dallas SWE has won this award!

SWE Mission Best Practices – Mentoring

SWE Mission Best Practices – Outreach


SWE Mission Award Gold – Professional

The Gold award is the highest overall award level for the new SWE Mission Award structure and recognizes our section’s commitment to SWE‘s Core Values and Strategic Goals based on results from our activities across 10 categories. This is the 3rd year in a row that Dallas SWE has won this award!

SWE Mission Best Practices – Membership Retention & Engagement

SWE Mission Best Practices – Communication


SHALE Magazine 2018 Premiere Organization Award

SHALE is an oil, gas, and business magazine based in San Antonio, TX. While SWE is an organization that spans all engineering and technology industries, we have members and corporate sponsors from the energy / oil and gas industry. SHALE took notice of our mission and drive for helping women engineers and girls in our communities to find a place to grow their focus in their STEM careers. We were chosen in recognition of our organization’s ability to promote inclusion, diversification and passion. We are proud to receive this honor!

SWE Mission Award Gold – Professional

The Gold award is the highest overall award level for the new SWE Mission Award structure and recognizes our section’s commitment to SWE‘s Core Values and Strategic Goals based on results from our activities across 10 categories.

SWE Mission Best Practices – Outreach

The Best Practices – Outreach is a category-specific award recognizing our section’s dedication to community involvement, especially with the Design Your World events.

WE Local Outreach Award for Best Outreach Event

This award recognizes a group who plans and carries out high quality outreach events that inspire young women to see engineering as a force for good. This prestigious recognition is awarded based on originality, impact, and sustainability of the event. Dallas SWE is honored to have received this distinction yet again for our signature outreach event.


SWE Mission Award Gold-Professional 

This is the highest overall award level for the new SWE Mission Award structure! This award recognizes our section’s excellence in and commitment to SWE’s Core Values and Strategic Goals based on results from our activities across 10 categories.

SWE Mission Best Practice – Global 

This is a category-specific award for our section’s features in SWE’s global publications (SWE Magazine and All Together Blog) for our DYW Parent & Educator program, partnerships with other SWE sections, and multicultural engagement with NSBE and SHPE, Supporting activities included our enthusiastic sharing of SWE social media posts, and our section members’ SWE leadership involvement at every level of the Society (section, collegiate section faculty advisors / counselors, region senators, Society committees).

SWE Mission Best Practice – SWE Resource Promotion 

This is a category-specific award for our sharing of SWENext promotional materials, SWE “Future Engineer” buttons, and engagement with a local Girl Scout / SWENext pilot program. Supporting activities included website recaps of Dallas SWE’s participation in Society Conference and Region C Conference, the exceptional number of SWE Outreach Metric Tool entries fro our section members, and sharing of SWE social media posts / resources.

SWE Mission Best Practice – Public Policy

This is a category-specific award recognizing our attendance at Congressional Visit Day and SETWG, the Girl Build Event at the Arlington Public Library, and numerous Dallas SWE member visits at local public school career days and speaker events. Supporting activities included our close engagement with local ISDs and our extensive reach through DYW’s mailing lists and social media footprint.


SWE Outreach Parent and Educator Program Award

For the third year in a row, we were recognized for the excellence of the adult sessions at our signature STEM Outreach event, Design Your World.

SWE Outreach MOU Partnership Award

For our FY16 series of Design Your World events at SMU and UNT with support from Girl Scouts of North Texas.

SWE Membership Recruitment Program Award

For our professional development and social program offerings, membership recruitment events with local companies and universities, and online communication best practices.

SWE Motorola Foundation Multicultural Award

For the diversity of our membership in culture, age, career stage, and engineering discipline, and for program partnerships with other local diversity organizations like the National Society of Black Engineers and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.


SWE Outreach Parent and Educator Program Award

Awarded for Design Your World.

SWE Region C Most Creative Membership Campaign Award

Awarded for our local recruitment events with Lennox, International.

SWE Region C Joint Professional and Collegiate Activity Award

Awarded for Design Your World.

SWE Region C Outstanding Professional Section Participation Award

Awarded for member involvement at every leadership level of SWE, section activities, and participation at Conferences and Region C Council meetings.


SWE Outreach Parent and Educator Program Award

Awarded for Design Your World.