Congratulations to Dallas SWE’s July Member of the Month: Jordan Rider!
From a young age, Jordan had an affinity for STEM related fields. By participating in science clubs and special projects throughout elementary, middle, and high school she fostered a love for STEM fields that led to pursuing a career in engineering.
Jordan first became involved with SWE when she joined her collegiate chapter at the University of North Texas in 2020. She is still working to complete her B.S. in Mechanical and Energy Engineering and strives to be very involved with their SWE chapter.
As a member and officer in UNT SWE, Jordan has been able to lead and implement positive changes following the return to a post-pandemic campus. This coming year will be their third year as a UNT SWE officer and second as UNT SWE President. She has helped plan and lead on-campus events where industry professionals are welcomed to present on a variety of topics to chapter members, as well as outreach events such us Discovery Park’s STEM @ the Park.
This past year, Jordan has started to become more interactive with Dallas SWE. They have advertised Dallas SWE events with their chapter and participated in Design Your World for the first time as an Activity Lead.
Jordan is looking forward to staying active with UNT SWE and Dallas SWE, as well as finishing her degree to start her professional career.