November 2019 Professional Development Recap

On Wednesday November 13, 2019, Madison McCracken, Director of Client Experience at Dale Carnegie North Texas, introduced to Dallas SWE a technique to build trust when networking or meeting people. By introducing a mental picture mnemonic in order to form a conversation path, awkward silences can be avoided when meeting others or during casual encounters at the office or anywhere. Over time, these personal facts can lead to a stronger relationship between coworkers, thus building trust. Once the skill was introduced, we practiced to master it. Everyone got out of their seat and practice with other ladies in the room. By the end of the night everyone walked out knowing someone new. 

Additionally, attendees asked questions about uncomfortable casual social situations at the office like meeting someone when you are on your way to a meeting. Ms. McCracken offered advice on how to avoid and walk away tactfully. During other scenarios attendees in the room discussed ways they have dealt with similar social encounters.

As a special treat, Ms. McCracken gave all attendees a “Golden Book”, which summarized Dale Canagie’s principles mentioned in the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”. 

Thank you to Dale Carnegie North Texas for your insightful presentation!