Strong leadership is the key to keeping our organization strong and supportive of our membership. By volunteering to serve as a Section Officer for a term of one fiscal year July 1,2013 through June 30, 2014 you can become a vital key in the success of Dallas SWE. The President, Vice President, Vice President of Membership, Secretary, Treasurer and Section Representative are elected positions within the Dallas Section of SWE. If you’re interested in being a part of the Dallas SWE leadership team or want to nominate someone else, please send a message to with the relevant position and the name of the person you wish to nominate (or note that it’s yourself).
Elected positions and brief description of duties:
President: Represent the section before the public and preside at the meetings.
Vice President: Serve as the Event Coordinator for the section including speakers for the monthly general meetings.
Vice President of Membership: Encourages membership growth, retention and participation through personal contact, follow up and communication (i.e. emails and newsletter).
Secretary: Maintain the records of the section including meeting minutes and the email distribution lists.
Treasurer: Responsible for collection, distribution and safekeeping of section funds.
Section Representative: Represent the section at regional and national events and telephone conference meetings.